For those who came here just for the research: here’s the link.
The study (from University College London) shows that 30 minutes of physical activities and sleeping for at least six hours at night, could improve cognitive performance for the day ahead AND the one after.
But if you’ve got a couple of minutes for a personal take about why I care about this topic, read on. And if you feel like it, please share your stories and thoughts in the comment. I’d love to hear about them.
Now, onto my story:
I couldn’t care less about excercising and getting enough sleep when I was in college.
I could put an all nighter anytime for my favorite movies and games.
That didn’t last long, though.
After graduation, I started to work my a** off to make end meet.
Being an adult was tough. It has always been.
And that’s when it hit me.
All the nights I didn’t sleep, all the weekdays I sat in one spot from 9 to 5, and all the weekends I didn’t even leave the house once…
They all accumulated and came to me at once.
On one winter day in 2020, my body had become to fragile too fight against the harsh weather.
I collapsed.
Before my mind completely went numb and my eyes shut, I saw a flashback of myself playing in the field with my friends.
They were laughing so hard at how much I looked and acted like a monkey as I was climbing a nearby tree.
I was so small back then, yet so full of energy.
I looked so healthy.
And happy.
I was hospitalized right after, slept for the whole 2 days before finally waking up.
Then followed by a full week at home, in which I only did what I thought I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life: watching shows, playing games, eating — all without leaving the room.
I had never wanted to get out of the bed this bad.
I realized how cruel I was to my own body, physically and mentally.
I was thankful for the timely wake-up call.
And the second chance.
After 4 years of paying more attention to how my body and well-being feel about what I do in life, while I didn’t become the sexy Pocahontas princess coming out of the Disney movie (and I may never will), I’m happy with what, who, and how I am now.

I’ve learned to be grateful for each day waking up and knowing:
There’s another day for me to explore and make good use of.
I’ve learned to listen to what my body really wants, not what I thought it does.
And strive to look out for my family’s wellness.
My parents are aging before my eyes, it’s hard not to notice.
And I’m seeing my old self as I look at my brother and sisters: They are at the stage where staying up late playing games and skipping any physical activities as they can are considered “happiness.”
I better not let them go to the path that I did. That’s a route better not to travel.
Life gave me another chance.
It’s time to protect those I love.
Do you also have someone you want to protect?

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