Before anything. What came first, the egg or the chicken?
The age-old debate which remains unsolved for decades and might as well have broken coworkership, friendship, neighborship (and perhaps, romantic relationship?!) of many who got carried away, now seems to have the answer.
A team of researchers from the University of Geneva studied Chromosphaera perkinsii, a single-cell marine organism and found that this tiny creature can form multicellular structures — similar to animal embryos — and it dates back over a billion years. This is long before the first animals evolved, which, according a 2023 Oxford study, was around 789 million years ago.
In other word, our planet had the tools to make eggs before it could make chickens.
So eggs win, and that’s bitter for those who’ve always been loyal to team chicken.
But at least, now you have a quite convincing excuse to initiate a talk with the coworker(s), friend(s), neighbor(s), partner(s) with whom our relationship went cold because of this egg-chicken debate.
Send them a message and say:
“You’re right.
The fault’s mine.
I’m sorry.”
It may take some time for them to process your apology and grant you their forgiveness.
Let them have the time they need.
But don’t just sit there and wait.
Use that time and do your own research.
The scientist team found Chromosphaera in Hawaii in 2017.
You could find another tiny little thing in your backyard which will help prove things otherwise and make the debate back to square one. You never know.
Don’t give up, chicken-teammates!
I’ll also do my digging and keep you posted here as soon as I find any leads. So pay this blog a visit once in a while 😉
‘Till next time,
A 🐔 member
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